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Turning your bedroom into a virtual clothes fitting room
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Our virtual clothes fitting room app, gives you a fully personalised online clothes shopping experience by allowing you to be the model and try on the clothing you like, all before purchasing.

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Our Affiliate Partners

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Why Choose Us

Our software is designed and focused on consumers' wants and needs. We understand that physical fitting rooms are popular within highstreet stores, however online clothes shoppers aren’t being given the same opportunities to try before they buy, therefore with our game changing virtual clothes fitting room apps, we are here to change this. Our technology is created based on feedback from consumers and retailers, we allow users to be the model and try on the clothing they like all before purchasing, in order to reduce return rates and the environmental issues they cause.

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Full Personalization

Reduces Clothing Returns

Increases Customer Satisfaction

Our Recognition

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Our Mission

Here at R Reflections our mission is to create fun, engaging and fully personalised, customer focused, online clothes shopping experiences to increase first time right purchases and reduce clothing returns. We’re striving to become an industry leading AR virtual clothes fitting room software company, that positively impacts our customers and retailer clients, as well as our environment.

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